How to reach Casa Betania

Casa Betania

Where we are

The Casa Betania, surrounded by a large park, is a vital refreshment place. It is inserted in the complex of the Jesus Master church where art and beauty are combined to transform themselves into a celebrated and lived liturgy, with continuous Eucharistic adoration. Gesù Maestro where art and beauty are combined to transform themselves into a celebrated and lived liturgy, with continuous Eucharistic adoration.


The community of the Pie Discepole of Divin Maestro offers an environment of fraternity, silence and prayer.

The house of prayer, which can be reached from the Grande Raccordo Anulare or from the center of Rome, is open all year round and offers courses of spiritual exercises, liturgical, biblical and spirituality training courses. It welcomes single people or groups for refreshment stops in the spirit.

It is equipped with single rooms with private facilities, telephone and internet (Wi-Fi), has a room equipped with audiovisual aids, the Crypt adjacent to the Jesus Master church and a small chapel for personal prayer.

It is always possible to access the Jesus Master church to participate in the liturgy and Eucharistic adoration. It is a meeting place where the Master awaits you to speak to your heart.

Casa Betania

How to reach us

  • From the Vatican area
    Autobus 98 fino a Casetta Mattei poi 775-786 con fermata Portuense/Vicolo Clementi davanti alla chiesa Gesù Maestro
    Oppure: 870 sino al capolinea Trullo e poi 773- 785-786 con fermata Portuense/Vicolo Clementi davanti alla chiesa Gesù Maestro
  • From Termini Station
    Autobus H fino a Stazione Trastevere e poi 773-786 con fermata Portuense/Vicolo Clementi davanti alla chiesa Gesù Maestro
    Oppure: Metro B sino alla stazione Eur-Magliana e poi 771 con fermata Portuense/Vicolo Clementi davanti alla chiesa Gesù Maestro
  •  From Ostiense Station
    Autobus 719 sino alla deviazione Via del Trullo e poi 773-786-771 con fermata Portuense/Vicolo Clementi davanti alla chiesa Gesù Maestro
    Oppure: Autobus 775 fino a Portuense/Vicolo Clementi
  • For those arriving by car
    Dal Nord: GRA uscita 32 Via della Pisana direzione Centro (Via della Pisana, Via Ponte Pisano, Via Portuense)
    Dal Sud: GRA uscita 31 Ponte Galeria – direzione Centro (Via Magliana, Via Fosso della Magliana, Via Portuense)
Casa Betania


Room types
Single, Single, Priest, Religious, Family, Family with children, Parish youth group, Organized group, Parish group, Relatives of hospitalized patients, Pilgrims, Scouts
Reasons to stay in Casa Betania 
Pilgrimages, School camps, Spiritual retreats, Prayer meetings, Liturgical rites, Spiritual exercises, Experiences of silence, Vocational research, Courses/seminars, Conferences, Holidays/Holidays/Tourism, Assistance for hospitalized relatives
Quando andare: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
Type of structure Convent, Religious house, Reception house Convento, Casa religiosa, Casa di accoglienza
Religious structure management Religiosa
Bed and breakfast, Half board, Full board
Accommodation typology Single, Double Singole, Doppie
Common services Church, Chapel, Disabled accessibility, Garden, Children's play area, Park, Outdoor space for activities, Meeting room, TV room, Payment by debit card, Payment by credit cards, Car parking, Coach parking, Wi-Fi
Accommodation equipment 
Air conditioning, Towels sheets, Bathroom in the room, Shared bathroom, Hairdryer, Heating, Television

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